Saturday, June 04, 2016

Cheryl Courtney Evans Calls Out A Transphobe

"She really sounds like a TERF  (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist), but maybe she's just a transphobic idiot, who was mistakenly put in a position she didn't need to fill, any more that a homo-/trans-phobic doctor/minister needs to head up an AIDS prevention/treatment organization [couldn't be trusted to do his or her BEST for us].I'm glad she didn't "fly under the radar" as she torpedoed efforts by other ACLU members! Maya Dillard Smith needs to take a couple of seats and STFU!!!" --Cheryl Courtney-Evans, May 30, 2016

I have frequently said on this blog and across the Net that the most dangerous bigot is one with legislative power.   Well, another dangerous bigot is one who shapes policy in an advocacy organization that you are counting on to help fight for your human rights.

maya dillard smithMy trans siblings in the ATL had that second situation happen recently when the interim director of the Georgia ACLU, Maya Dillard Smith, resigned from her post because she was unwilling as the interim director of that organization to fight for the human rights and the humanity of trans people.

Bye, Stacey  (no more Bye, Felecia), because in honor of that transphobic rhymes with itch Stacey Dash, that's what I'm using from now on.

Anyway back to focusing on the current issue. Cheryl called her out for her transphobia in this blog post y'all need to read, and the haters have come out to play in the comment thread.

She just doubled down on the justified criticism of Dillard Smith and all peeps who think like the former interim director in terms of drinking the right wing Hateraid and ignorance when it comes to trans another post.

She could use a little help with some positive comments in those threads, so help one of our trans elders out in dropping some truth in those comment threads.  

And I stand with Cheryl.   One thing we don't need in this World War T trans human rights fight is lukewarm alleged allies.or so called friends who are worse than our right wing enemies.