Friday, June 03, 2016

Been Invited To The 2016 White House LGBT Pride Month Reception!

It has been an event that I have been wanting to attend ever since it started seven years ago.  It had heightened importance for me because of the African-American president we have in the White House right now.and was more disappointing when I didn't get an invitation to it.

Yesterday that invitation that I have been hoping for finally happened.

I've been invited to next week's  LGBT Pride Month Reception!.   I cried when I saw the e-mail, and now I'm scrambling to do my best to get to Washington DC so I can attend it.  

It's going to be the last one of President Obama's administration, and I want to be there for that history and most of all, to record it for my TransGriot readers.

Now it's just a matter of doing what I can to make it happen and be in the room when it kicks off..