Monday, June 06, 2016

Mesquite, TX Passes Trans Inclusive EEO Policy Update

In breaking news from North Texas, looks like the ongoing negative attacks on trans people by Gov Abbott, Lt. Governor  Goeb Patrick  AG Ken Paxton and the Texas GOP have started to have the opposite effect.

According to Lone Star Q, the city council of the eastern Dallas suburb of Mesquite, TX just voted tonight despite opposition from the Texas Bigots Values haters to add trans, bi and SGL workers to their city's Equal Employment Opportunity policy.

“Sorry to disappoint everyone, this isn’t the bathroom war…no matter what a political hack from Austin tells you in a fundraising email,” Mesquite Councilman Jeff Casper said. “Let me be clear: This policy has no effect on public restrooms. It simply states that the city of Mesquite’s employment decisions will be based on character and merit.”

As I keep pointing out, while the haters may have some loud voices, we LGBT peeps in the Lone Star State are continuing to fight for the type of inclusive and equitable Texas we wish to make a reality.

Congrats Mesquite and everyone who worked on getting this done for over a year.