Monday, June 13, 2016

Finally Headed Home From The East Coast

I said before I embarked on this trip on Wednesday it would be an interesting and emotional one, and it was.

The White House Pride Reception in Washington  DC was amazing and even more fun than Imagined it would be.   It was also amazing seeing President Obama speak and being that close to the podium to do so.

The mini crab cakes were also delicious, and trust me when I say I ate enough for everyone who wasn't  in the East Room with me.

Then there was the ride up I-95 to Philadelphia for my second Philly Trans Health Conference, the Brynn Tannehill moderated media panel that included Mari Brighe, Joanna Cifredo and moi.

It was also wonderful getting to see a long list of old friends, meet new ones and spend some quality time with Dionne Stallworth and our trans kids.   And it made my trip to get hugs from two of our amazing trans youth advocates in Jazz Jennings and Nicole Maines.

Then it was back down I-95 from Philly via Megabus to go back to DC and an unplanned trip to Capital Pride and spending the night near BWI before my flight back to Texas.

While I enjoyed the empowering trip, the Orlando mass shooting was an exclamation point reminder that there's still work to do back here in Houston, and it's time to get busy making human rights coverage via a HERO 2.0 or whatever we call it law.

So Houston, the Air Marshal is enroute back home.  Get the Pappa's barbecue ready.