Friday, June 10, 2016

Amazing First PTHC Day For Me

This was actually the second day of the Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, but it was the first day of the conference for me after arriving from DC at midnight EDT..

I had an amazing 8 AM Brynn Tannehill moderated panel with Mari Brighe and Joanna Cifredo on it discussing media.   Was told by several attendees of the panel that I bumped into as the day progressed they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Lunch with Dionne Stallworth to get my cheesesteak craving satisfied, and substantive conversations with  a long list of people that I saw today capped off by me making an appearance at the transkids function hosted by Jeanette and Jazz Jennings and a Trans United Fund dinner for the steering committee.

I enjoyed talking to everyone I saw today, and as a reminder, I'll be here tomorrow to check out various panel discussions on the Saturday #PTHC2016 schedule