Saturday, July 07, 2012

It's Janet..Producing A Trans Documentary.

Janet Jackson that is (although y'all know how much love, admiration and respect I have for Ms. Mock)

It's old news, but wanted to point out how happy I was to hear that one of my favorite artists is planning to executive produce a documentary on the lives of trans people.around the wold called 'Truth' that is set to begin production later this summer.

Jackson hopes the documentary that will reportedly include stories from North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America will help stop discrimination against the transgender community.

It will be directed by Robert Jason, who directed the Style Network's trans documentary Style Exposed: Born Male, Living Female that featured four trans New Yorkers.

"All people are very important to me. I've been fortunate to make friends and learn about very different lives," Jackson is quoted as saying. "'Truth' is our small chance to ask that you try and understand someone who lives their life in a way that is a little bit different from yours, even though all of our hearts are the same. We want to stop the hate and find understanding."

There's also word that Janet may also conduct some interviews in the soon to be produced documentary as well. 

It's always nice to hear that one of your favorite artists supports your community.  If Janet executive producing it has the effect of getting more curious eyeballs on the finished product to watch it, and the vfinished product is well done and informative on top of that, then that's all good as well.