Sunday, July 08, 2012

Happy Birthday Pam!

Wasn't going to let today pass without wishing one of my fave people in the blogging world a happy birthday. No, it's not my Canadian homegirl's birthday yet.   That's later this week

Today is Pam Spaulding's birthday, the creative genius and founder of Pam's House Blend.  I finally got to meet her during Netroots Nation and give her the hug and thank you for being one of the first major blogs to link to my then fledgling blog six years ago and give it a traffic boost. .

She is one sweet lady with a wicked sense of humor, and I enjoyed hanging around and talking to her about a long list of subjects during that conference

But today is all about you.

Happy birthday Pam!  May it be full of blessings and you have many more of them.