High Court judge Yazid Mustafa ignorantly denied your request on July 17 to simply have your name and national identity card reflect the woman you were on the inside and outside. Because of his faith based transphobia Mustafa couldn't see what is breathtakingly obvious to the rest of us.
While sadly it didn't happen for you in your all too brief lifetime, your transsisters and transbrothers in Malaysia and elsewhere will not give up the fight to have trans human rights respected and protected not only in your homeland, but around the globe.

We'll keep fighting for you Aleesha and every transperson on Planet Earth until all our nations recognize that the human rights they covet for themselves, that are ensconced in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and embedded in the various constitutions of the nations we inhabit also apply to trans human beings as well.
Rest in peace Aleesha knowing that the world mourns your loss, stands with you and your Malaysian trans family as well and the fight will continue.
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