Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Trans African Activist Meeting

As I will relentlessly keep pointing out, human life originated on the African continent, so it stands to reason that trans people also exist on the second largest continent on the planet. 

As a child of the African diaspora it is my business and one of the missions of this blog to keep up with trans developments in the various nations on the African continent

They have been just as busy organizing to fight for their human rights, and it's why I and others have major issues with that unjust anti-trans UN paper two white East Coast first world radical lesbians wrote.

Here's a video courtesy of the South African trans organization Gender DynamiX of a May 2010 meeting that was held in Windhoek, Namibia.    Activists from South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Uganda and Botswana met for training purposes, to strengthen their communications ties, build community and get tips on strengthening the organizations poised to fight for their human rights in their various nations.