Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Why I'm Endorsing Mike Webb For Reelection As Houston GLBT Caucus President

Image may contain: 3 people, including Mike Webb, people smiling, text

This month's Houston GLBT Caucus meeting is one in which we will be electing officers and board members for new terms. 

Mike Webb is only the third Black president ever of the Houston GLBT Caucus, but in his first term accomplished much.

*The Caucus raised over $100,000 this year, and ALL the funds went toward helping elect our endorsed candidates.
*We had more visibility on TV and radio than ever before.
We had the largest endorsement card that reached more people throughout Harris County and beyond in Caucus history.
A very inspiring new batch of volunteers and equality supporters joined our coalition, which helped us mobilize over 270 voters to the polls with our new Pride2ThePolls initiative.

Image may contain: 6 people, including Steven Kirkland and Mike Webb, people smiling, suit
All of this was accomplished through inclusive leadership and coalition building with diverse partners. Now let’s make 2019 our best year yet!

I was asked by Mike in February 2018 to help lead a Caucus initiative in which myself and my team members helped broker a deal between the Caucus and the Baptist Ministers Association of Houston and Vicinity.   That team helped clear up some misunderstandings between both groups, got an apology from them for their actions during the HERO fight, and set the stage for future meetings and cooperative ventures with them..

Image may contain: 2 people, including Mike Webb, people smiling, people sitting, child and indoor
Mike also worked for state senator (now Congresswoman) Sylvia Garcia during the 2017 session and currently works for Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis.   Translation: They (Mike uses gender neutral pronouns) have the legislative experience we will need as a community and the organization will need at the state, county and local level to advance our community's policy agenda.  

With a Houston municipal election coming up, and a 2019 Texas Legislative session commencing on January 8, why throw out proven leadership for someone who will have to learn the job on the fly? 

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing
These are just a few of the reasons why I'm endorsing Mike Webb for another term as the president of the Houston GLBT caucus< and why I will be casting my vote for him later this evening. 

He has proven he can lead this organization, so why not stay the leadership course?   

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Here's hoping they are reelected to the Caucus presidency again later tonight!