Monday, January 07, 2019

Final List Of 2018 Trans Murders

Image result for Stop[ Killing trans people
It was probably the bloodiest year ever for Black trans and gender non conforming people in the US, who sadly are far and away the most likely trans people to die, followed by our trans Latina sisters.

We lost 19 Black trans people in 2018.   The youngest was just 18, the oldest at age 58

2018 US Trans Murders

Christa Lee Steele-Knudslien, 47, North Adams, MA
Vickky Gutierrez, 38, Los Angeles, CA
Zakaria Fry, 28,  Albuquerque, NM
Celine Walker, 38,  Jacksonville, FL
Tonya Harvey, 35, Buffalo, NY
Phylicia Mitchell, 45, Cleveland, OH
Amia Tyrae Berryman, 28, Baton Rouge, LA
Sasha Wall, 29, Chesterfield County, SC  
Carla Patricia Flores-Pavon, 26, Dallas, TX
Nino Fortson, 36, Atlanta, GA
Gigi Pierce, 28,  Portland, OR
Antasha English, 38, Jacksonville, FL
Diamond Stephens, 39, Meridian, MS
Catalina Christina James, 24, Jacksonville, FL
Keisha James, 58, Cleveland, OH
Sasha Garden, 27, Orlando, FL
Vontashia Bell, 18, Shreveport, LA
Dejanay Stanton, 24, Chicago, IL
Shantee Tucker, 30, Philadelphia, PA
Londonn Moore Kinard, 20, North Port, FL
Nikki Janelle Enriquez, 28, Laredo, TX
Ciara Minaj Carter Frazier, 31, Chicago, IL
Tydie Dansbury, 37, Baltimore, MD
Keanna Mattel,(Kelly Stough)  35, Detroit, MI
Regina Denise Brown, 53, Orangeburg, SC

2018 Trans Murders Stats Breakdown
Female 24-Male/GNC 1)

By Race
White-3   (3 female-0 male)
Latina-3   (3 female-0 male)
Black -19  (18 female-1 male/GNC)
Asian- 0
Native American- 0

By Age
50+  2
40-49  2
30-39  10
20-29  10
10-19- 1

This is unacceptable.  We need to have in 2019 a conversation followed by SUSTAINED action to reduce the number of Black trans people dying at the hands of Black men. 

And it's past time for Black legacy orgs like the NAACP to step up and lead instead of inactively sitting on the sidelines.   You silence is getting my people killed, and I'm tired of it. 

Frankly, all Black trans people are tired of the spectacle of the oldest civil rights organization in our community, pledged to uplift the lives of Black people, being outdone on this issue by HRC. 

It's pathetically sad that the Human Rights Campaign, which has had a contentious at times relationship with Black trans, bisexual and SGL people,consistently does what the NAACP won't in not only saying our Black trans names, but admitting there's a serious problem. 

This dynamic MUST change in 2019.