Thursday, January 10, 2019

Moni's Investiture Speech For Judge Bill McLeod

Image may contain: William Bill McLeod, smiling, standing and text
The text of the speech speech I'm delivering for Judge Bill McLeod's investiture today.

To Judge McLeod, distinguished judges, friends and guests in attendance.  

Happy Blue Year to all of you!  

It is a sincere honor and pleasure to have been asked to say a few words at this investiture ceremony today,  While I have attended a few of these investiture ceremonies in the past and will be attending quite a few more during the rest of this month and into February, this is the first time I have gotten to participate  in one of these beyond just being in supportive attendance of the judge being sworn in.

One of our local sheroes in Barbara Jordan once said,“What the people want is simple.  They want an America as good as its promise.

Substitute the words ‘Harris County’ for America, and you have the reason why we are sitting in this ceremonial courtroom today.  

We are sitting here because of the historic change that Harris County voters enabled on November 6 with their votes.   We are sitting here because Harris County voters wanted a county as go as its promise, and wanted its leadership to reflect the beautiful diversity of all 5 million of us who are please to call this part of southeast Texas home.  .

As part of the yearning to have leadership that reflected the diversity of this community, it’s why on November 6  we elected a diverse slate of talented servant leaders with decades of experience practicing law to serve on our Harris County judicial benches.

The Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr said that, "Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice and when they fail in this purpose they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress."

Judges play an important role in our system of government because they are the umpires who call the legal balls and strikes and ensure that justice is impartially served regardless of race, creed, color, gender identity or economic status.  

And having known Judge McLeod personally for several years, I he is a caring, compassionate and loving person.  He is a wonderful community leader with a keen legal mind. I have no doubts that he will bring his full self into the task of ensuring justice is  served and fairly administered for all who appear before him.
Congratulations, your Honor.  May you have a long and successful term serving the citizens of Harris County on the County Court at Law Number 4 bench.