Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Hanukkah 2016

Image result for Hanukkah 2016
Today is the first night of Hanukkah, which will run until January 1.   I wanted to take the time to wish all my Jewish friends a very happy one.

It's been a while since Hanukkah and Christmas occurred at roughly the same time, and after the emotional rollercoaster year we've all had that is ending on a down note, nice that these two major religious holidays are happening now.

I'm also thinking about at this time my friends the Chen family, who welcomed a new child into their family December 13 and she will be experiencing her very first Festival of Lights under the watchful eye of her two big brothers.

So once again Happy Hanukkah!    May the lights of this season brighten all of your lives and extend into the coming year.