Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Fight To Keep HERO- October 15

Houston Texans owner Bob McNair donated $10,000 to the anti-HERO campaign this week. ( Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle ) Photo: Brett Coomer, Houston Chronicle
I've pointed out that the HERO haters are predominately conservative Republicans who live in the 'burbs and are sticking their noses in Houston human rights business.

Part of the reason they are doing so is because the Texas and Harris County GOP is 'scurred' about what term-limited Mayor Annise Parker will do politically once she turns the mayors office over to her successor in January.

Well, got more evidence of Texas GOP interference in Houston human rights business with the announcement that Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick dropped $10,000 for the anti-HERO efforts.

There was also a surprising donation from Bob McNair, the owner of the Houston Texans.   While he has been a heavy donor to GOP causes in the past, you would think that he would have stayed out of this HERO fight seeing that his  team is slated to host the Super Bowl in 2017.

But to the consternation and disgust of many longtime Texans fans like myself, McNair has revealed himself to be an enabler of  human rights oppression.

And that's aggravating not only to me, and the Houston LGBT fans of the Texans, but all Texans fans who support Prop 1 staying in the Houston city Code of Ordinances.

While I'm pissed off at Bob McNair, the real threat is people like Ben Hall and Bill King, who are running for mayor, and Herlinda Garcia and Kendall Baker who are running for council.

ALL of them oppose the HERO.  Baker and Garcia have lent their voices to the reprehensible radio ads that are blanketing Black radio stations in town and we have been asking Houston Unites since August to hit back hard against.

That unchecked ignorance has filtered down to the community, and who is going to pay for it?   Black LGBT people, and specifically Black trans people from the violence that will be directed at us because of those straight up lies being told by Hall and his transphobic friends.

Hall has been lying through his teeth about the HERO, and produced the bathroom commercial that is desecrating our airwaves right now.

And Baker is particularly slimy because his azz was spewing anti-trans predator venom last year during the HERO passage battle as one of Dave Welch's kneegrow sellouts while his behind was getting fired from the city for being a sexual harasser.

Once again, who are the sexual predators?  They are repeatedly proving themselves to be you good predominately white and conservative 'Christian' folks.

As I have repeatedly  reminded you, the most dangerous bigots are the ones who have the power to write legislation, and it is vitally important that we not only ensure that Prop 1 passes, but we also elect people to the mayor's chair and City Council who will protect, defend and make HERO better, not kill it.

Early voting is starting Monday people/   Let's handle our electoral business.