Friday, October 09, 2015

Moni Gets Mentioned In The Washington Post

Rupert Murdoch, much less FOX Noise has ZERO credibility to part their lips & say anything about the US Black lives they regularly demonize
Not every day that a comment you put out there on Twitter gets an audience besides your own followers and influence circles.

But that's what happened for me on Thursday when a comment I aimed at Rupert Murdoch and FOX noise for his 'real Black president' comment caught the attention of the Washington Post and was highlighted in a story they wrote about it.

Hey, just another day at the TransGriot office for me.    I think my friends and longtime TransGriot were more excited about the attention it received in this Washington Post article than I was.

Yeah, let me stop fronting about that.   It IS a BFD to me, too..

Here's the tweet that everyone has been paying attention to and thanks for the love..