Sunday, October 04, 2015

Nikki's Interesting DC Weekend

Nikki Araguz Loyd is the other H-town based trans woman who has flown more air miles than the Air Marshal this year,.   This time she and her hubby Will caught a flight to Washington DC for the National Fallen Firefighter Foundation memorial service in which her late husband Capt. Thomas Araguz III was being honored.

And this time she would be presented a flag in his honor by President Obama himself.

This is the 34th anniversary edition of the NFFF memorial event, and it is a weekend long one in which firefighters who died in the line of duty the previous year across the US are recognized.   This year 87 fallen firefighters were recognized, and one of the three from Texas recognized this year was Capt. Araguz.

It was also an emotional one for Nikki as well

Nikki, as his widow, would not only be recognized as such, but would be receiving the congressional flag flown over the US Capitol building in his honor  

And getting to meet the best president ever on trans issues on top of that is a bonus.

It has been a tough, nearly six year legal battle to have her marriage to Thomas recognized, and that day thanks to he Oberkfell SCOTUS ruling may be very close at hand. 

The SCOTX is poised to send her case back down to the appellate and district court level for the vindication that she has fought so long for. and in the process eviscerate the odious Littleton v Prange case create a legal precedent that affirmatively recognizes a Texas trans person's ability to get legally married.