Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Fight To Keep HERO- October 18

Just in case you wondering where the Houston Black community stands on Prop 1 passage, outside of the loud and wrong cadre of sellout ministers cooning it up for the Texas GOP fueled opposition to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

The NAACP Houston Chapter, the Greater Houston Black Chamber, the Houston Area Urban League and a long list of local politicians enthusiastically support HERO.  The Houston Forward Times, one of the oldest Black newspapers in town, just released an editorial that affirms their support of our much needed human rights ordinance.

And as Morenike said in her 'We Are HERO' campaign commentary:

"Houston is almost the 3rd largest city in the US. We need to step up. I want to know that my family is going to be treated fairly when we go into a business, or my kids are at school; and that if that is not the case, that there is a way to deal with it locally. I want to know that we don't have to be second class citizens; that this is not the Jim Crow South. I want to know that no matter who my children want to love, the color of their skin, whether they move differently, or speak differently because of their disability, that we can feel safe. We have experienced discrimination and others have too. It's time for us to change that."

We have Houston civil rights icon Rev William Lawson, who supports it along with Pastor Rudy Rasmus, who has been featured ina pro-HERO commercial.

And just to remind the HERO haters and the willful ignorati on this issue, it was the discrimination that Judge Alexandra Smoots Hogan faced at a Washington Ave nightclub in February 2014 that was the catalyst for getting HERO passed.

HERO is needed and necessary.  It covers 15 categories and provides a local remedy against discrimination experienced in housing, employment and public accommodations,

Our opposition only has fear, smear and lies to throw at it.

So Black Houstonians, don't let the HERO opposition hoodwink and bamboozle you into voting against your own human rights.tomorrow.