Friday, October 09, 2015

Shut Up Fool Awards-Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

On Monday our Canadian cousins will be gathering at family tables across their vast nation and getting their grub on.  

It's Thanksgiving Canadian style, and our north of the border cousins will be giving thanks for all the blessings they have received this year and probably having some hot political debates as they break bread.

Speaking of debate, let's get one started courtesy of our usual Friday business in which we determine what fool, fools or group of fools get dissed, dismissed and called out for their jaw dropping ignorance and stupidity in this week's edition of our TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards.

Honorable mention number one goes to the Canadian Conservative Party for attempting to borrow a page from the GOP playbook and inject hatred of Muslims into the upcoming federal elections by urging Canadians in their words, report 'barbaric cultural practices.'

The ramped up Islamophobic rhetoric led to an attack on a pregnant Montreal woman by two teens who ripped her hijab off her head and knocked her to the ground..

Y'all know what to do then if you don't like it.  vote the Tory bastards out of power.  .

Honorable mention number two is Rupert Murdoch for his jacked up 'real Black president comment..
Yeah, I already put him on blast for it.

Honorable mention number three is a group one for Cosmopolitan magazine, for that jacked up 50th anniversary cover calling the Kardashians 'America's First Family'

Umm naw boo boo kitty, in case it slipped your minds, the last name of America's First Family since November 2008 is Obama and here's a photo of them..   They live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC in that nice white house my ancestors built with their unpaid labor.

Honorable mention number four is Mike Huckabee, who has called for a boycott of all Frito-Lay snacks because they are 'anti-christian', but called the boycott of Chik Bigot Fil-A 'economic terrorism'.

Honorable mention number five is Raven-Symone for letting something else stupid come out of her mouth by saying  she wouldn't hire anyone with a 'ghetto name'

Oookay  Raven-Symone with a girlfriend named AzMarie.   You seriously need an intensive weekend visit from the D.R.O.P. Squad.
Honorable mention number six is Ben Carson for a week's worth of stupidity.   And yes peeps, he is now the front runner for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination.

Judge Jerri Collins, Jerri Collins, Judge Jerri Collins Florida, Jerri Collins Florida, Jerri Collins domestic abuse victim, Judge Jerri Collins video, Florida Judge domestic abuse victim video, domestic abuse victim jail judge video
This week's Shut Up Fool winner is Florida judge.Jerri Collins, who berated and sent to jail for three days on contempt of court charges back in July a domestic violence victim that failed to show in her courtroom to testify against her attacker because she was triggered by him.

Elections matter.  What do you expect from a judge appointed by Jeb Bush?   Bad news Seminole County, unless she is impeached, she's in that courtroom until 2021.

May karma be swift on this one, starting with this judge losing her Seminole County seat

And yeah, Judge Jerri Collins, shut up fool.