Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Um Bob, Guess You Forgot Some Texans Fans Want HERO

Houston Texans owner Bob McNair donated $10,000 to the anti-HERO campaign this week. ( Brett Coomer / Houston Chronicle ) Photo: Brett Coomer, Houston Chronicle

With early voting in our 2015 city elections starting on Monday, we have people, organizations  and companies starting to get off the sidelines and declare one way or the other which way they lean in terms of supporting Prop 1 or HERO,

I was shocked and angered to discover as a longtime ride or die Houston Texans fan that Texans owner Bob McNair is contributing $10,000 to the anti-HERO Forces of Intolerance

McNair has donated to Republican political campaigns in the past, but you would think as the hosts for the 2017 Super Bowl scheduled to be played in NRG Stadium, he would have stayed on the sidelines in this fight.

Instead, McNair has revealed by this action that he is a human rights oppressor, and discrimination against people who don't look like him inside the Houston city limits is okay in his book

Guess you forgot as you wrote that check to enable discrimination inside our city a portion of the Texans loyal fan base is made up of TBLG Houstonians like myself and our allies.  You just spit in our faces and the faces of every Houstonian who sees the wisdom of having a local remedy for combating discrimination in our Code of Ordinances like the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance.

Some of your Texans fan base wish to keep our local non-discrimination ordinance, and it's aggravating to see that the owner of my hometown NFL franchise that I have supported since their 2002 entry into the league has joined the side of the human rights oppressors

And yeah, I'm more than a little pissed off about this boneheaded move by you to become a transphobic human rights oppressor.  I'm  even more determined than ever to ensure that the non discrimination ordinance I fought along with a team of Houstonians to get passed last year that covers 15 categories, and has been irrationally fought tooth and nail by you Republicans wins on November 3.

Because the Texans didn't join the league until a year after I moved to Louisville in 2001, I have yet to set foot inside NRG Stadium for any Texans game, be it a preseason, regular season or playoff game.

Because of your reprehensible action that I see as an attack upon my very humanity, my human rights, and the human rights of the 56% of Houstonians who have filed discrimination complaints under HERO until it was suspended by the GP controlled SCOTX, looks like that's not going to happen for me anytime soon,

Nor will I be wearing or purchasing any more Texans apparel until you come to your senses