Friday, October 16, 2015

If You're Not Free, Neither Am I

I loved this Audre Lorde quote that is written into this meme.   So what's the translation of it?

The short version is it speaks to the inescapable web of mutuality that the Rev. Dr MLK, Jr spoke of.  But it also talks about the point that Lorde is making that if any woman is unfree, neither is she, even if the shackles that woman deals with are different from her own.

The shackles could be whatever is dragging you down or hindering you from being the best person you can be. 

It also points out that we are our sister's keeper.  That's easy for us to say, but difficult at times to put into practice on a consistent basis.  But practice it on a consistent basis is a must if we are going to collectively do what we need to do to uplift our community.

That means that cis women are going to have to stop irrationally hatin' on trans women.   Straight women are going to have to stop hatin' on their lesbian and bisexual sisters.

And every woman is going to have to address the fact that society is set up to despise all Black women, cis or trans and we're going to have to work together to change that dynamic..

If you're not free, neither am I.  I want my freedom, and want you to get it  as well.