Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Leaving On A Jet Plane To.....

Cropped PSP dayview
Palm Springs, CA.

I'm headed there for another LGBT Media Journalists Convening.  This one is going to be interesting because it was not only pushed back from its normal early-mid March weekend, we're also going to be in the middle of the National Lesbian Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) Convention.
Image result for palm springs california
And I'm going to have to get up at 4 AM Houston time to catch an 8:10 AM departure out of IAH.

While we have nonstop service out of Houston on United to Palm Springs, I got booked on American, which means I'm going to have a brief 40 minutes going through Phoenix to get there.

Image result for interstate 10 palm springs
But it's also mind blowing to me that I'll be hanging out in a city way out west on the same I-10 that rolls through my hometown. 

Image result for nlgja palm springs
Image result for nlgja palm springs
But hey, it's another trip out of town for a few days, and I get to hang out with my #LGBTMedia fam once again.   I'm also looking forward to being at my first NLGJA convention and seeing what that is like   

If I like the event, the 2019 NLGJA one will be just down I-10 east from me in NOLA. 

One thing I'm not liking is the forecast.  While it is going to be sunny the whole time I'll be there, I'm actually going somewhere that is hotter temperature wise than Houston.  Temps will be in the triple digits for every day I'm there.

Dry heat, my azz.  Gimme my home sweet humidity any time 

But first things first.  here's hoping both my flights leave on time and my bag gets there in one piece.