Friday, November 20, 2015

TPOCC TDOR Statement

TransGriot Note: TPOCC Executive Director Kylar Broadus' TDOR statement

“Transgender Day of Remembrance allows us to honor and mourn those lost in the trans community as well put a spotlight on the work that still needs to be done to protect the rights of trans people in their pursuit of happiness. The transgender community has made great strides in its visibility, but there’s still systematic discrimination that allows trans lives, especially trans women of color, to be de-valued and violently killed.
This is the time for transgender rights to be at the forefront because transgender people are some of the most marginalized people in this country due to the lack of understanding. Too many transgender people loose their lives due to homicide or suicide because of other people's lack of knowledge or refusal to educate themselves. Most transgender people cannot get employed, obtain housing or get a ride on the bus when others discover someone is transgender. Transgender people have been around since the beginning of time. This isn't a new trend. It’s the ‘T’ in LGBT. It's time for the discrimination to end. We must all come together to combat this problem.”