Monday, November 30, 2015

Spanish Trans Woman Competes In Miss Spain World Pageant

Angela says she feels like a winner because she has brought visibility to the transgender community 
It may be a while before we see another out  trans Miss USA or first ever out trans Miss America contestant, but there have been trans competitors elsewhere in the world.

The Miss World pageant system has seen Jackie Brown back in 2012 attempt to become the first trans Miss England World and fall short of capturing the crown.

Now comes word out of Spain of the most recent girl like us attempting to capture her home nation's national crown in  23 year old Angela Ponce.

The 5' 10" beauty was representing the province of Cadiz in her attempt to capture the Miss Spain World crown and become the first out trans woman ever to qualify for the Miss World pageant being held in China.

 Unfortunately Ponce, despite being considered as one of the favorites to take the Miss Spain World crown, was eliminated before reaching the final ten.
Angela supports the Daniela Foundation, dedicated to sensitising the world about transsexuals and transgender issues

Despite that disappointment, Angela believed that she was still a winner, and would continue to fight for increased visibility for Spanish trans people.  She works closely with the Daniela Foundation, an organization that seeks to raise awareness about the plight of trans people.

"I have the regional crown on my head and I will keep fighting to make us seen, to make us heard, and to demonstrate that I am already a queen with my own crown."

Yes you are, Angela.  May you have continued success in your life and your ongoing mission to encourage acceptance of trans people in Spain.