Friday, November 20, 2015

Shut Up Fool Awards-TDOR 2015 Edition

Today is the 17th annual Transgender day of Remembrance, a day in which we take time out o our lives to remember the trans people we lost to anti-trans hate violence, and look forward to the day that the event is no longer necessary.

But one thing that has been necessary for me to do is all out the assorted fools that are wasting DNA and oxygen on our space rock with their unrelenting ignorance and stupidity.

And it's time to exercise some societal self care and call them out.

Time for this week's edition of the TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards, and this week's Shut Up Fool Awards losers winners is a group award for every congressmember in both parties who cowardly voted to bar Syrian refugees from entering this country.

As Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) said, "Defeating terrorism should not mean slamming the door in the faces of those fleeing the terrorists. We might as well take down the Statue of Liberty,"'

It echoes when happened back on the eve of World War II when the SS Saint Louis with over 900 German Jewish refugees were denied entry into Havana and Miami after a two week voyage and were forced to return to Europe.   250 of those passengers subsequently died in the Holocaust.  

I have also not liked the racist, Islamophobic and xenophobic language coming out of the GOP chickenhawks mouths whether they are in the hall of Congress or the campaign trail.
Congressional Cowards, shut up fools.