Friday, November 13, 2015

Houston African-American LGBT Community Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow

I have pointed out that across progressive Houston there are conversations happening in the wake of the Prop 1 HERO loss in various communities trying to dissect what went wrong, what are the problems in our Houston liberal progressive coalition, and what do we need to do immediately and in the long term to fix it so we're ready and on the same collective page for the next Houston human rights fight.

Tomorrow afternoon from 4-7 PM CST another one of those conversations takes place geared toward the African-American trans, bi and SGL community.

The conversation about what's next is extremely important. The fact that the highest percentage of discrimination is perpetrated based on race is a huge concern... Houston, we have a problem! Join us as we have this conversation and layout plans for what's next. Please bring something to take notes.   And a open mind!!!
See you this Saturday 

It most certainly is a problem when much of the Houston Black community got hoodwinked and bamboozled by white Republican activists and sellout kneegrow ministers into voting against their own human rights based on a transphobic lie.  Some of the people who have bought that transphobic lie they were selling are in our own chocolate LGBT ranks.

And yeah, that's a problem when I have SGL peeps who are as transphobic as the Hotzes of the world, and that crap needs to end.

We're going to discuss that and other issues at the Montrose Center starting at 4 PM.  If you wish to talk about that, have your face in the place,   Address is 401 Branard St.

Image result for Houston Montrose Center
I know I will and will have plenty to say about this failed HERO fight along with invited speakers Brandon Mack, Ashton Woods and Fran Watson and hope you will be there as well.

TransGriot Update:  Went well with 20 people in attendance.   It's a nice start, and this won't be the only conversation we will have concerning what we do in Black LGBT World going forward