Tuesday, November 03, 2015

2015 TransGriot Houston Election Endorsements

Houston Council Districts.png
As many of you longtime TransGriot readers are aware of, I am a serious political geek who lives for Election Day.

In the nearly ten years I have been writing posts for this blog, while I have written posts about various candidates and urged you TransGriot readers to get out and vote in each and every election cycle, I have yet to actually do a post in any election, local, state or national that put the TransGriot seal of approval for a slate of candidates until now.

Introducing the first ever TransGriot 2015 Election Endorsement post for the Houston city elections.


Prop. 1  (HERO) : YES
Prop. 2:  YES

Mayor:  Sylvester Turner 
Controller:  Chris Brown

Houston City Council
District B:  Jerry Davis
District C:  Ellen Cohen
District D:  Dwight Boykins
District F:   Richard Nguyen
District H:  Roland Chavez
District I:    Robert Gallegos
District J:   Mike Laster
District K:  Larry Green

At Large Position 1:  Lane Lewis
At Large Position 2:  David Robinson 
At Large Position 3: Joseph McElligot
At Large Position 4: Amanda Edwards
At Large Position 5: Philippe Nassif

Trustee, District II:      Rhonda Skillern-Jones
Trustee, District III:     Ramiro Fonseca
Trustee District IV:      Jolanda Jones
Trustee, District VIII:  Juliet Stipeche

Houston Community College System
Trustee Position III:     Adriana Tamez
Trustee Position VIII:  Eva Loredo