Hey TransGriot readers!
My computer's been offline for a few days since we made the big switch at the house to a cable modem. While I was bummed that I didn't have access for a few days, I'm not complaining about the unlimited long distance phone service we picked up in the process and the faster Net access.
So let me catch you up on what's been happening in my life since my last post. Got a phone call yesterday from Kirk inviting me to take part in a panel discussion on impeachment that the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Oppression is holding next Monday. The Alliance will be holding these discussions on various topics of importance to the local community and I'm honored that I was asked to be part of the kickoff one. Then again I shouldn't be too surprised since they've honored me with awards in 2006 and 2007.

Had a long chat with my sister about family and political happenings in the home state. Was out of my fave Fashion Fair foundation, so I rolled up to the mall and grabbed some since I was almost out. With Derby coming I need to buy a backup one. With all the upcoming parties, my Pure Brown shade disappears fast.
Enjoyed talking to blogger Jackie Saturday night about a wide range of subjects, and I'm looking forward to doing it again. Had a long conversation with my homegirl last night and helped her sort out some drama.
Made plans with another group of sistafriends to see Tyler Perry's latest movie Meet The Browns which opens this Friday. And oh yeah, earlier today I went to my favorite nail shop and got my nails done.
If this sounds like mundane stuff to write about, maybe it is. But this is what the ultimate goal of a gender transition is. Unfortunately some peeps have it twisted and have forgotten that gender is between your ears, not between your legs.
Genital Reconfiguration Surgery (GRS) is not the end all and be all Holy Grail for a gender transition. Doing normal everyday stuff while presenting in the desired gender while doing so is.
We're not quite at the point yet in which transgender peeps can negotiate through society on a day-to-day basis without major drama, or having to make yearly lobby trips to Washington DC and our various state, local and county governmental bodies, but we're slowly getting there.
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