This month the Electronic Villager had the pleasure of ranking 1329 African-American blogs for this month's Black Blog Rankings. That's an increase of 60 blogs from the July 2008 ranking.

Some unexpected work schedule complications kept me from attending the inaugural Blogging While Brown Conference to my chagrin, but I definitely want to be in the house next year, assuming it's in the ATL.
So what's TransGriot's BBR ranking?
I achieved another short term goal and cracked The BBR Top 100 blogs! I jumped 30 spots from my July BBR ranking of 122 with a 95 Technorati ranking
As of August 1 TransGriot had a BBR of 92 with a 113 Technorati ranking.
That means I'm going to have to set another blogging goal. I mentioned in my July post I wanted to be at a 150 Technorati ranking by the end of the year. Let's add cracking the top 50 BBR blogs by January 1, 2009 to that as well.
So how am I going to do that? By simply doing what I do now. Continuing to write thoughtful commentary that you'll not only want to read and come back for, but link to as well.

There are far more African-American transpeople than yours truly. I just happen to be one of the peeps with writing skills who's willing to talk about it.
So as you can see TransGriot readers, the blog is making major jumps up the BBR ladder, and I sincerely thank everyone who thinks highly enough of my blog to make it possible. But I've got much work to do. There's 42 blogs between me and the Number 50 slot and I have to add 37 points to my Technorati ranking for my target 150 ranking by January 1, 2009.
So gotta get back to creating more interesting blog posts for you.
We'll see how close I can come to hitting my new end of the year goals next month.
Hey Monica,
I will hop over to the award site and nominate your blog for the GLBT category!
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Thanks for the reminder I need to do my nominations for the Black Blog Awards. You have a quality blog as well that's worthy of recognition.
I need to check the BBR rankings and see where you're listed as well.
Monica - I think that you will reach your goal well in advance of the target as you keep doin' what you're doin'!
I look forward to meeting you at the BWB Conference next year!
peace, Villager
I am sure that you will get there. Since discovering your blog I have become a regular reader. Just keep speaking truth to power.
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