Speaking of driving us nuts, it's time to segue into our weekly Shut Up Fool awards business and determine what fool or group of fools will take home this week's coveted award.
Our nominees this week are our usual group awards for the Republican Party and last week's winner Fox Noise. Ron Paul gets a nod, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Sen. James Imhofe (R-OK), Gov Rick Perry (R-TX) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX),
Our SUF winner this week is the Sweater Vest South, Rick Santorum

“As in any other state, you have to comply with this and any federal law. And that is that English has to be the main language. There are other states with more than one language as is the case in Hawaii, but to be a state in the United States, English has to be the main language.”
No Ricky boy, English is NOT mandated as a condition for statehood. It is also not mandated by federal law as our official language either.
There the Republifools go again, outreaching their way to defeat.
Rick Santorum, shut up fool!
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