Monday, March 26, 2012

Moni's Montrose Night Out

After watching Kentucky's women b-ballers make it to the Elite Eight over Gonzaga I was basketballed out and decided the latest episode of GCB could wait until I saw it on demand. 

I decided to get dressed and see for myself how much Montrose nightlife had changed since I left in 2001

I decided to hit one of my old haunts that was still around but under new ownership in a show bar called TC's.   It's the same bar that one of our local right wing conservafools had his infamous hit and run accident outside of.   Since parking was at a premium, I also decided to METRO it to Montrose since I'd put on a little weight and needed the exercise.

I get to TC's after taking a wrong turn and walking three blocks in the wrong direction before running into one of the local working girls and being pointed in the correct direction.   I noted that some things had changed about it like the outdoor patio and smoking area,  the video jukebox on the wall, the lighting, and the freeze your butt off AC (always a good feature for a Houston club).    I also ran into Ashley Houston, who was performing last night and one of her drag daughters .   

I ran into a white CD sitting at a table by herself in the corner by the stage whose first question to me after meeting me was 'Are you performing tonight?"    I told person the only time I'm standing on a stage is in front of a collegiate or professional audience with a Power Point presentation.    After chatting with her for a few minutes, i had a brother buy yours truly a drink (amaretto sour) and grabbed a table in the center of the bar that allowed me to watch the show and what was going on outside. 

There was one slim Black trans woman hanging out in the patio area who eventually jumped into a car with two white males in a gold pop top late model Mercedes.   A young Latina trans woman approached me moments after entering the club, asked if she knew me, then bounced outside to talk to friends as the too long show tune laden overture for the drag show was playing in the background.

A young petite Black transwoman named Shinaya came in talking to someone on her cell phone, hugged Ashley and her drag daughter and then came over to my table and introduced herself.  We talked briefly before she bounced outside to talk to a friend who had just arrived.

I watched a few numbers in the show, tipped Ashley and being bored out of my mind I decided to go home.   I cut through the cluster of bars and through the well lit parking lot behind South Beach enroute to my stop on Westheimer Rd.   As I did so I passed a Black gay guy and his white boyfriend who obviously by the sour looks on their faces have issues with transpeople.  The Black gay guy ASSumed I was walking the streets and loudly said so I could hear it  "Don't they have a job?"

I flipped him the finger and said "I most certainly do, you sellout" as I kept walking toward my METRO stop.

Hey, don't start none with Moni, won't be none.   

My pissivity over that crap didn't last long.  I stopped and had a nice conversation a few moments later with a young woman who was letting her chihuahuas out of her apartment to walk around a bit before I excused myself to catch my downtown bound bus I knew was coming in ten minutes.

As I boarded my bus headed eastward down Westheimer and eventually to downtown, I came to one conclusion about my first night hanging out there since I moved back home.  

Next time that I decide to go to Montrose, I'm making sure I have a few friends with me.