Saturday, January 01, 2011

Moni's 2011 New Year's Resolutions

One of the things I've done on this blog is post my New Year's Resolutions for the upcoming year not only so I'll have a place to come back to and check on my progress in terms of fulfilling them, you TransGriot readers can provide gentle reminders as to what's the status of me fulfilling them.

This is how well I did in fulfilling the 2010 ones.   I  exceeded expectations on some, did okay on some, and others fell by the wayside as circumstances changed in my life and I had to regroup.

When I write them down I shoot for 100% compliance in making all of them happen knowing that even if I fall short as I review my progress at the end of the year, I'm still a better person than I was when I started on January 1.

I also have tangible evidence that I set some goals and either accomplished them or made measurable progress toward the completion of them.

And here are Moni's 2011 New Year's Resolutions 

*I will get to know five of my African descended trans elders.

* I will do a better job of documenting and telling the historical stories of my African American trans family.  

*I will do a better job of including the stories and voices of African American transmen on this blog.

*I will build on the progress started toward staying in regular contact with and getting to know international transpeople and get to know five more before the end of this year.

*I will do more to get involved in Houston trans community life, do what I can to expand that to the Houston African-American community and encourage other African descended transpeople in the Houston area to do so as well.

*I will have specific days set aside to do nothing but fiction writing and do a better job of developing my fiction writing talents.
*I will mentor at least five young transpeople before the end of the year.

*I will get one manuscript published before January 1, 2012

*I will get an article published in a major magazine by January 1, 2012

*I will get to know five new transpeople before the end of the year.

On January 1, 2012  I'll check to see how well I met those goals.  

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