Saturday, January 08, 2011

GOP House Majority Already Breaking Their Promises

The GOP hasn't been back in control of the House for a week and they are already violating their promises they made in the Pledge To (White) America  and the Tea Klux Klan.

They campaigned on cutting $100 billion in spending, and they're backpedaling away from that faster than you can say  Citizens United.    They promised to read the Constitution, but conveniently forgot to read the sections that dealt with my ancestors.        

The first one,  the "three-fifths compromise," counted slaves as three-fifths of a person for purposes of counting population for apportioning congressional districts.   The second one they skipped dealt with runaway slaves - if they escaped to a free state, the Constitution required that they not be freed but rather "delivered up" to their owners.

Then there was the embarrassing revelation that two Republican congressmen skipped out on their swearing in ceremony to be at an event in the Capitol Visitors Center and all the tapdancing they tried to do around the Constitution in order to claim that Pete Sessions (R-TX) and  Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) were legally sworn in.

The Constitution says you have to in the chamber and sworn in by the Speaker of the House to be a congressmember.      Way to bring honor to and follow the Constitution GOP.

Then there was the action the GOP majority undertook that just disenfranchised people in DC, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and other US territories.   It just stripped their delegates who represent these territories of their committee voting rights.

Can we get to November 6, 2012 and the presidential election year as soon a s possible?   I'd rather have Speaker of the House Pelosi back.