Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy Fifth Anniversary TransGriot!

Five years ago at midnight on January 1, 2006 I wrote and published my first post on TransGriot.    At that time I hadn't really figured out my mission was, how frequently I was going to update it, or even found my blogging and writing voice, but I eventually wrote 124 posts that year.

It wasn't until a year later that I put the hit counter on the blog and discovered that I was getting 400 hits a day from people around the world who were reading it.

TransGriot has evolved into a blog in which my mission is to talk about trans issues from an African American perspective, give voice to my African descended cousins across the African diaspora, document our history, serve as a platform for me to vent about the issues of the day inside and outside the TBILG community, and showcase at times my creative writing skills.  

And along the way I've been nominated for and won a few blog awards because y'all like me..

As of today I average about 3000 hits per day, just came off a year in which I wrote over 1200 posts, surpassed the 1.5 million hit mark, the 2500 and 3000 post marks, finally won a Black Weblog Award and I'm closing in on 2 million hits.  But I couldn't or wouldn't have this success without you loyal readers who surf over here to read my posts in the first place.

Thank you for being a major component to the blog's success and from contributing from time to time to help keep this place surviving and thriving, suggesting post ideas, and helping me to build a highly respected blog not just in the Transosphere, but across the blogosphere as well.

Looking forward to more great things this year and in the future.

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