Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Compilation and Contemplation

Now that Kwanzaa is over,  I decided to compile this post that centralizes and makes it easy to find and read all the chocolate trans themed Kwanzaa posts I compiled for the recently completed 2010 celebration of it.

I hope you found them and this series enlightening and thought provoking.   Best of all I pray that you will do more than just ponder them, but make it a point to incorporate some if not all of those principles into your daily lives and in your interactions with other transpeople of African descent.

As for our African descended cis brothers and sisters, I hope it helped you realize that the African unity that is stressed during Kwanzaa means ALL of us, not just cis straight people.  We transpeeps are your brothers and sisters as well and I hope that instead of hating, disrespecting and directing violence against us, you will do a much better job this year and from now on of incorporating African descended transpeople into our shared African descended family.

Happy Kwanzaa-Black Trans Style

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Umoja

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Kujichagulia

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Ujima

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Ujamaa

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Nia

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Kuumba

Happy Kwanzaa Black Trans Style-Imani