Friday, July 21, 2017

Shut Up Fool Awards- Comic Con 2017 Edition

Image result for TransGriot Comic Con
As y'all know I'm out here in San Diego for my first ever Comic Con, and what a way to kick off your first ever visit to this megaconvention by doing a panel discussion.

The plan was for me not to think about or discuss Texas politics while I was out here, but that died the nanosecond the GOP controlled Texas Senate decided to have their hearings on their unjust anti-trans bills.

So I going to enjoy the conference and the weather, and handle my Friday business of calling some fools out before I hop on the shuttle bus o take me to the Convention Center from the hotel.

It's time for this week's Shut Up Fool Awards!

Honorable mention number one is  a group award for Cheetolini and the Trump misadministration for pick an outrage  

Honorable mention number two is the Texas GOP for trying to ram discrimination down the Texas trans community's throats.

Honorable mention number three is the woman that Faith and I encountered at SDCC yesterday we caught in blackface, accompanied by Klingons in blackface.  She tried goalpost shifting justifications that ranged from being a fan of Star Trek, of Whoopi Goldberg, claiming she was 'representing and honoring Black women' because we weren't here at Comic Con, and a few other BS reasons I'll talk about in a later post.

Honorable mention number four is Sean Spicer, who is resigning today as WH press secretary

Honorable mention number five is Texas senator Lois Kolkhorst, the go to trans oppressor

This week's Shut Up Fool winner is Caitlyn Jenner.

This week she claimed she had the ear of the Trump misadministration on trans issues, and is now contemplating a run for the US senate against Sen. Dianne Feinstein..  

But what's got a lot of people fired up is her posing with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and joking that 'she's working on a duet with him' to sing the transphobic song 'Dude Looks Like A Lady' and calling it her theme song.


Caitlyn, Caitlyn Caitlyn....I just can't with you this week.  I have real transphobic oppression to fight in Texas    Shut up Fool