Saturday, July 01, 2017

Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!

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Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian trans family and north of the border TransGriot readers!.

Today is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Canada.   On July 1, 1867 the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were untied under the British North America Act into the Dominion of Canada.   Upon confederation the former province of Canada was divided into the current provinces of Ontario and Quebec.

Since that July 1, 1867 date Canada has grown to become an internationally respected nation touching three oceans and comprised of ten provinces and three territories

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This day is celebrated across the nation with fireworks, parades and other events, but since this was the 150th anniversary of the date of confederation, this particular Canada Day celebration was going to be an epic party.

For my Canadian trans family, this Canada Day will probably be a memorable one which has even more meaning for them.

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The June 15 passage of the Trans Rights Bill in the Canadian Senate and its subsequent receiving of Royal Assent from the Governor General, means that on this Canada Day, the human rights of Canadian trans people are protected federally and in all the provinces and territories of Canada.

Canada acquired its independence gradually over time.  It joined the League of Nations as an independent country on January 10, 1920.  It wasn't until the 1982 passage of the Canada Act by the British Parliament that the Canadian Parliament assumed the power of making changes to the Canadian Constitution with Queen Elizabeth II still being considered the queen of Canada.

Dominion Day, as this date was previously known and celebrated as, subsequently became known as Canada Day.  

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We're happy for you Canadian trans fam, and one day, your American trans cousins hope that in the near future we can celebrate the day that our human rights are recognized and protected by our federal government .