Sunday, July 16, 2017

Black Trans Advocacy Statement Concerning HB 46 and HB 50

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TransGriot Note: The Black Trans Advocacy statement concerning HB 46 and HB 50

As a Texas based organization that serves the Black trans community, we are once again raising our voice to join those from across Texas in opposition to HB 46 and HB 50.

You would think that after fair minded Texans made it clear they didn't want the unjust and transphobic SB 6 and HB 2899 bills to become Texas law, and hundreds of Texas citizens including some of our BTA members came to Austin to overwhelmingly testify against those legislative travesties, that the Texas Republican majority would have given up on trying to aim legislative oppression at transgender Texans after those bills died during the regular session.

It's why we are outraged that the Texas Republican Party is wasting $800,000 of our tax dollars on a special session that starts on July 18 designed to oppress transgender Texans and other groups they don't like for their political gain.

It is for this and other reasons that Black Trans Advocacy,  Black Transmen, Inc., Black Transwomen, Inc., the Black Trans Advocacy Conference and the Black Trans International Pageantry System are expressing our vehement opposition to HB 46 and HB 50.

Those anti-trans bills, far from being about 'privacy issues' as the Texas Republicans have repeatedly claimed, are nothing more than naked legislative oppression aimed at the Texas trans community.
Unfortunately, it is our Black trans community and other trans communities of color that will be disproportionately affected by the negative repercussions of it should these bills unfortunately pass.  

The dehumanizing anti-trans rhetoric they have used to try to pass the failed SB 6 and HB 2899 has already resulted in the death of one of our Texas trans sisters in Kenne McFadden of San Antonio.

We are also disturbed about Rep. Scott Sanford's harmful rhetoric attacking Texas trans kids and their parents, and the legislative attack on the humanity of Texas trans kids..

Once again, Black Trans Advocacy urges fair minded Texas legislators to resist the anti-trans extremism coming from the Texas Republican Party, and spend the next 30 days of this special session coming up with policy solutions for the problems that ail the Lone Star State.