Hey TransGriot readers!
Sorry I've been MIBA the last couple of days. Haven't felt much like writing. My mood has matched the crappy weather we've had around Da Ville lately. The sun's out today, but it's still colder than HRC's heart. One thing that did come out of it my self-imposed temporary exile was a short piece I'll be posting in the next few days.
Every now and then a writer hits the creative wall and you need to step back for a few days until the creative juices and your love for writing takes over again.

I'd even cut off the TV and the computer off. It had me feeling like George Bailey in the classic Christmas movie It's A Wonderful Life.

No peeps, the only thing I'm gonna do on a bridge is drive my car to the other side of it and back. ;) I love myself too much to even comtemplate something like that, even if I am depressed from time to time.

Now that I'm feeling better, you'll see me posting on the regular again. But if anybody wants to send me any Christmas gifts, a round trip airline ticket to Houston will work.
Look girl, you were missed. Yeah and I was gonna call you TODAY if you hadn't shown the heck up.
Of course you are allowed to step back and have some down time. It's actually good for you and your creative/activist self. And I know that snow and slush and holidays and OMG! Hormons play a part. It's all about being a woman, that's it. Glad you are back. Love you.
Thanks Jackie,
I'm feeling a lttle better today.
As regularly as I post I thought I needed to tell y'all something so you peeps wouldn't worry.
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