To all prospective TSTBC conference attendees and trans-allies everywhere:
In every struggle, there are as many paths to civil liberty and justice as there are opinions. From the initial formation of our conference in 2005, there have been many voices that have been opposed to our own. There are some who believe that our efforts are about self-aggrandizement and motivated solely by ego. Nothing could be further from the truth. Many of us have experienced classism and other such “isms” that have kept us apart and separate.
As transpeople of color, we are doubly aware of how these “isms” can render people powerless and deny access to people and systems that would empower us. We have stated from the outset that we are not calling for separation from our White transbrothers and sisters or from any other trans-population of color – nor even from our lesbian sisters, gay brothers, bisexual and intersexed persons.
The TSTB Conference is a channel for empowerment for all transcommunites of color, in the hope that we might be able to enjoy the fraternity and sorority that others have enjoyed just by virtue of being who they are. TSTBC does not claim to have all the answers nor do we make any claim to extraordinary cosmic insight to end injustice of all kinds. Our conference and all its activities are just a forum to begin a dialogue so that such an understanding may be forthcoming.
We welcome anyone who comes to the TSTB conference with an open mind, heart and a genuine thirst for justice and fairness for all people. If your opinion is different than our own, as long as it is framed in a respectful manner, we welcome it and humbly invite you to present it. However, we do not believe that backbiting, rumors, hate-mongering, jealousy or envy provide the means for a qualitative discussion for social justice, equality and empowerment. We ask only that all of us come to the table with what we have to offer in order to empower all of us and to hear the many voices that either been silent or ignored for far too long.
Only by hearing all the voices can we truly strive for that American ideal – “E pluribus unum,” out of many, one.
Thank you for your attention and we hope that you accept our invitation to travel our path to justice for all transpeople.
TSTBC Conference Manifesto written by A. Dionne Stallworth
Philadelphia, PA
April 2006
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