Saturday, February 07, 2015

CC15-Day 4

It's Day 4 of Creating Change 2015  and the last full day of activities before it closes tomorrow and the organizing torch gets passed to Chicago.

I'm done with my seminars unless I get drafted into being a panelist on another one.  I'm basically a spectator for the rest of my time here in Denver. and will probably use much of today to catch up with people I know here.

For those of you who want to find out the latest 411 on the HERO, there's a panel discussion for that topic called How Houston Got A HERO at 9:30 AM.

There's also a 3:00 PM one by Rev Kenneth Samuel entitled Battling Bigotry In The Black Church.

The vendor and organizational table area is still up, so check with those folks and see what they have to offer in terms of goods and services.   Various organizations also have information tables set up there, so this is also the time to ask them questions about the programming .

This is also the last day the suites will be open, so check those out as well.

There's also a police violence protest jumping off at 12:15 PM aimed at the Denver police for the killing of Jessica Hernandez

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