Friday, February 06, 2015

CC15-Day 3 Recap

Today marked the first full day of workshops and seminars, but I needed a little sleep and time to do some writing before I kept my promise to Imam Daayiee Abdullah to attend the Friday prayer service at 12:30.

I was pleased to see the attendance has grown, and Imam Abdullah announced some exciting news for the LGBT Muslim before the service started about an exciting initiative.

While that service was happening, Rea Carey's State of the Movement Address  was simultaneously taking place.

After talking to Imam Abdullah for a few moments after the service ended, I headed down to the vendor area to kill some time before my panel.  Ran into Andy Marra, Samantha Dato, Dani Heffernan , Kimberley McLeod and Kylar Broadus before we headed to Governors Square 14 for the 3:00 PM panel.

The Trans Women of Color: The Sisterhood featured Tela La'Raine Love, La La Zannell, Bamby Salcedo, Arianna Lint and some based Texas blogger y'all know breaking down the issues that impact us as trans women of color.

Kim Coco IwamotoAfterwards I got to finally meet a shero of mine in Kim Coco Iwamoto, talk to Trudie Jackson, Bishop Tonyia Rawls, Diego Sanchez, Johanna Saavedra, Elizabeth Clair an my fave power couple in Aisha and Danielle Moodie-Mills.

Also ran into my NFL prognostication partner Michael Watts, and that started an almost two hour conversation in which we discussed everything from what was transpiring in our lives, football and politics to the movie Blazing Saddles.  Ran into Myles Brady, who thanked me for the engagement post I wrote about him and his now fiancee.

And the thing I'm really enjoying is running into all the people here at #CC15 who let me know how much they love the blog.  A writer always loves to hear that what they put out there is the universe for you to peruse and ponder is not only read, it's appreciated.

And the feeling is mutual TransGriot readers.

One last Slurpee run, and then I've got to shut it down for the night.

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