Thursday, January 16, 2020

Moni's Early Morning #CC20 Musings

Image result for creating change dallas 2020

I'm up early because I haven't been able to sleep since 5:30 AM, and finally said frack it and got up.

This is the big day for me at Creating Change 2020.   I have a 10 AM panel during the Trans Institute, and later tonight a speech to make during the 8 PM opening plenary as  I accept the Susan J Hyde Award for Longevity in The Movement.

But in the runup to this day, I've gotten to see a lot of old friends, meet some new ones, and introduce myself to the younglings who may not be aware of what I've been doing since 1998.

While I'm trying to stay humble and modest about this major award I'm about to get, many of you #CC20 attendees have let me know how much you love and care about me, and how much of a BFD you think this is to you.

There have also been some nights like last night where me and elders like Diego Sanchez, Antonia d'Orsay, Yosenio Lewis, and others have had a chance to chill out in front of the conference hotel, sit either outside  or in the hotel and talk about the good, bad and humorous days of our activist journeys.

We marvel about the fact that some of us are still effing here, and lament the ones who have gone on to join the ancestors.    Some of those TBLGQ+ folks who joined the ancestors left us way too soon,either by their own hand or someone else's murderous one.

I also have had the chance to catch up with Dallas area friends like Kyiana Wheeler,  just have a quiet dinner away from the convention hotel, and catch up on what has been going on in each other's lives.

I've gotten to spend some time with my BTAC family, and that will continue until Sunday. 

And yes, as promised, Slurpees are being destroyed at the rate of two a day

Image may contain: Victoria Kirby Elliott York and Monica Roberts, people smiling, selfie and closeup
This conference, as always, gets to serve as not only a giant family reunion for all of us in the TBLGQ+ movement, it's also a time where we can break bread together, talk about the direction of where we want to take our human rights struggle, and acquire the skills and knowledge we'll need to help us accomplish the goals we set here.

While I love talking to my fellow advocates and elders,  the best part is meeting and hanging out with the younglings.  Getting to hear them talk about their hopes, dreams and aspirations for the future.  Having the blessing of having those intergenerational conversations with them

Them getting to realize that the person and possibility model they idolize in me also is human, down to earth, has a wicked sense of humor, and always has time to give a needed hug, listen to their conversations and give advice if they request it..

Am I nervous about the speech tonight?  A little since it will be the largest crowd I've ever done one in front of in my life.   But I've been doing speeches in front of crowds large and small since elementary school, and once I get started and into it, I'll be fine/ 

Speaking of getting started, time fo me to hit the shower and get ready for my big #CC20 day

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