Friday, November 04, 2016

The Humanity Of Trans People Is On The Ballot

Image result for Sharron Cooks DNC convention
One of the reasons that I have been so passionate about this upcoming election on Tuesday is because for me as a trans advocate, the choice couldn't be any more clearer about who should be the 45th president of the United States.

I am a political pragmatist.   While I want someone who is as progressive as possible leading our nation, I am also cognizant of the fact that you have to get ELECTED in order to implement your policy platform.

I don't care how progressive your platform is on paper.  If you can't get elected to office, you and your pie in the sky third party and its platform are useless to me and other marginalized groups.

I don't waste my vote on third party candidates in a presidential election because they have zero chance to be elected president, and third parties don't have their political act together enough to even have a chance at being viable now or in the near future.   See the Reform Party and their rise and fall in the 90's as an example of the internal third party dysfunction I'm alluding to.

That's why Jill Stein, who is far more unqualified for the presidency than Trump is, and Gary Johnson, who is basically a Republican ashamed to claim the GOP label, never had a chance with me or the majority of non-white voters

undefinedThere are only two candidates left in this race with a legitimate shot of getting 270 electoral votes and be on January 20 standing on that inaguration platform they have been building since September on the west side of the Capitol.

Those persons who have that shot on November 8 of being elected the 45th president of the United States are Sec. Hillary Clinton and (eww) Donald Trump.

Who do I wish to see succeed the first African-American POTUS?  Definitely the first female POTUS.  

When you do the hard solid thinking about what the issues are that impact our country, Hillary Clinton hands down is the most qualified person and most prepared to handle the massive job of being president of the US immediately after being sworn in and having well thought out policies to tackle those problems.

I've been pointing out since 2012 that the next president will possibly get to select up to four Supreme Court justices and when they do so in conjunction with a Democratic Senate, they will set the course of the SCOTUS and the federal judiciary for the next 30-40 years.

With trans human rights cases starting to percolate through the federal court system and the Gavin Grimm case about to be heard by a SCOTUS that has a 4-4 split, having the right POTUS selecting the replacement for (in)Justice Antonin Scalia is one of the issues that led me to throw my early support to Clinton.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, right, listen as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a town hall with the Retired American Warriors, Monday, Oct. 3, 2016, in Herndon, Va.
One of the other things I've been alarmed about the legion of professional TBLGQ haters that are Trump's senior policy advisors like Tony Perkins.  Trump has also committed himself to supporting a repressive Orwellian named 'First Amendment Defense Act'

Should the self destructive white privilege fueled racist tendencies of white voters prevail on Tuesday, we will be stuck with people who hate us having offices in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building and the Justice Department gleefully making policy backed by the federal government that rolls back all the human rights games we have made since Stonewall. .  

I want to see them crying about a loss on Tuesday on Election Night like they were four years ago.  I also want to see Trump crushed in an Electoral College beatdown so that another Republican candidate never again will go there and use blatant racist appeals to white voters in an attempt to get elected to office at any level of government.

I've also noticed this sexist and misogynist bent to the opposition for Sec. Clinton.  I'm really tired of the men supporting Trump who deep down don't want a woman to be president of the United States and try to cover that up with whatever right wing anti-Clinton lie to do so. 

We have had 43 white men be POTUS. The last white male president was a disaster for the country. We can't afford that as a nation again.  As a trans person, I would see all the progress we have painstakingly made come to a screeching halt, all because some Trump voters don't want to see a qualified woman become the next president of the United States.  

Image result for the day after scenes
I also see the danger of having a short tempered easy to provoke idiot like Trump in charge of our nuclear arsenal.  As a kid who grew up during the Cold War, that thought keeps me awake at night.

But the people I'm most concerned about are our trans kids.  They are facing a coordinated right wing attack that is being blunted in large part because the power of the federal government is pushing back against that unjust assault on our humanity combined with the trans community, its advocates and our allies fighting our oppressors tooth and nail

If the transphobes get control of the federal government, we will be the first folks to feel the negative human rights repercussions of a Trump presidency.   That repression of trans people will also disproportionately be felt by non-white and low income trans folks who can't afford to leave for other nations as the privileged trans folks say they will do..

It's why trans folks are predominantly voting for Clinton .

As a trans person , I don't want to see what progress we have made so far come to a screeching halt

If you are trans and supporting Trump, you are not only voting for your own oppression, you are voting for the oppression of our trans kids, the rolling back of your human rights, and increased attacks on your very humanity.   What logical reason can you come up with that isn't a right wing anti-Clinton lie to support someone that is massively unqualified for the presidency?  

I and the trans community have too much to lose on Tuesday if Trump wins. Our very movement and humanity is on the ballot , and a vote for Trump is a vote against the humanity and human rights of transgender Americans, and transgender people of color by extension who would bear the disproportionate brunt of that anti-trans oppression being aimed at us.

It's why I'm unapologetically with her, and want to see Hillary Clinton win on Tuesday and be inaugurated as the next president of the United States..


  1. I don't support gun control. That eliminates Clinton. I don't support socialism and government regulation. That eliminates Clinton. I don't believe in open borders, or amnesty for illegals. Eliminates Clinton.

    I don't much like Trump, and wish he was stronger on LGBT rights, but I'm not willing to be selfish and vote Clinton. Some things are more important than my LGBT status.

  2. I don't support gun control. That eliminates Clinton. I don't support socialism and government regulation. That eliminates Clinton. I don't believe in open borders, or amnesty for illegals. Eliminates Clinton.

    I don't much like Trump, and wish he was stronger on LGBT rights, but I'm not willing to be selfish and vote Clinton. Some things are more important than my LGBT status.
