Monday, August 01, 2016

Ugh, Texas College Campus Carry Law Takes Effect

Just what we needed on Texas college and university campuses, armed drunken frat boys.

In more GOP ammosexual idiocy sponsored by the NRA and the idiots comprising our Texas Republican legislative majority, campus carry is now allowed on the campuses of public Texas colleges and universities.  It is now the eighth state, after Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oregon, Utah and Wisconsin to do so.

What's the difference between campus carry and open carry?   Semantics.   Open carry is banned on Texas college and university campuses.  

But CONCEALED licensed permit holding ammosexuals have the rights as of today to carry their handguns on public Texas colleges and universities, and only the university presidents have the authority under the law to declare areas of the campus as 'gun free zones'

Texas private colleges and universities have the ability to opt out of the looney SB 11 law, and many of them like Houston's Rice University, Baylor University in Waco and others promptly did.  

There is also the ability to declare areas on Texas public college and university campuses as gun-free zones, but doesn't look like this is happening in the areas where it counts in classrooms and faculty offices, and only the university presidents can do so..

They had no problem however banning campus carry in on campus stadiums and arenas.  Nope, can't let those football and basketball attendees of our games that pay for the athletic programs become free fire zones, inside the classrooms are okay.

The law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott (R) took effect today, which happens to be the 50th anniversary of the 1966 day that 24 year old Marine trained sniper and UT architectural engineering student Charles Whitman, after killing his wife and mother before heading to the UT campus, climbed into the observation deck of the 27 story tower at the center of the campus that at the time was one of the tallest buildings in Austin, armed with rifles, pistols, and a sawed off shotgun.

Over the next terrifying 92 minutes, starting at 11:48 AM CDT Whitman killed 13 people and wounded 30 others on campus and up to two blocks away before he himself was gunned down by APD officers Ramiro Martinez, George McCoy and UT employee Allen Crum to end the carnage.

It was sadly one of the first mass shootings that happened on a school campus, and we would see that reprehensible list get longer at Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Virginia Tech just to name a few.

The reality based folks in Texas are pushing back against SB 11, with the most vehement opposition happening on that same UT Austin campus that witnessed firsthand 50 years ago the problem of having an armed shooter blasting away indiscriminately at unarmed people minding their own business people

But what we are seeing already before the fall semester even starts is the chilling effect it is having on free speech and debate in Texas public college academic settings, which is probably what the conservative authors of this law were hoping for when they proposed and passed it.

"Weapons designed to end human life have no place in the academic life of the University, except when carried by duly authorized law officers." the University of Houston faculty senate wrote in a resolution condemning SB 11 last year.  "The diverse campus communities and free academic discourse are especially threatened by the presence of deadly weapons in teaching, research and living spaces."

Sgt. Dina Padovan with the University of Houston Police Department explained to new students the difference between open carry and concealed carry. Concealed carry is now allowed at public Texas colleges under the new campus carry law. It takes effect Aug. 1.Amen, and proud of the faculty of my alma mater standing up for common sense.  Their thoughts are echoed by other faculty members across the Lone Star State.

I also feel for the dedicated campus police officers across our state who will have to deal with the headaches brought on by this idiotic law.

There are times when things happen in classrooms and discussions get heated.  I have seen testosterone fueled drama between frats at step shows and intramural sports blow up into fights.   Students and professors at times have heated arguments over grades and other subjects inside their offices and classrooms..  Professors have been pissed off when they get denied tenure.  Collegiate romantic relationships go sour.

Now imagine a gun being introduced into to all those situations I just mentioned.   What could go wrong?  

We sadly know the answer to that question.

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