Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Preliminary US Trans Survey Data On Trans Bathroom Experiences

The US Trans Survey (USTS) was conducted in English and Spanish over four weeks in August-September 2015.  It is the follow up to the 2008-2009 National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) in which 6,456 people responded to the questions in it. and the data from the often quoted survey was released in 2011.

The NTDS because it has been quoted by media sources (including this blog) over 15,000 times has been a game changer in terms of how the public and policymakers understand the challenges that US transgender people face.

The USTS, with 27,715 adult respondents is now the largest survey of transgender Americans ever conducted.  While the full results of the survey will be released later this year, enough of it has been compiled so that we can get snapshots of the data.

Seeing that our conservafool opponents are attacking our community based on the debunked bathroom predator lie, the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) is releasing the preliminary data covering the experiences of trans people in the bathrooms to highlight how critical and necessary it is for trans people to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.

The link to it is here.  The rest of the USTS data will be released later this year.


59% of respondents reported they have in the last year avoided bathrooms because they feared confrontations in public restrooms at work, schools or in other places.

12% reported they have been attacked, harassed or sexually assaulted in a bathroom in the last year.

31% have avoided drinking or eating so that they did not need to use the restroom in the last year.

24% reported that someone told them they were using the wrong restroom or questioned their presence in the restroom in the past year.

 9% reported being denied access to the appropriate restroom in the past year.

9% reported having a kidney or urinary tract infection, or another kidney related medical issue from avoiding restrooms in the last year.

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