Wednesday, December 09, 2015

911 Call Proves Taylor Was Arrested For Existing While Trans

I've made the point more than a few times that mismatched ID's and statutory and procedural roadblocks that prevent trans folks from getting identification that matches their present day lives can lead (and far too often does) to anti-trans discrimination.

It appears based on the transcript from the 911 call in the Meagan Taylor case, that is exactly what happened.

Meagan Taylor with the help of the ACLU, has filed a civil rights complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission over an incident in which she and her trans feminine friend Shyann were both transphobically disrespected and falsely profiled back in July after checking in at a Drury Inn in West Des Moines, IA enroute to driving to a funeral in Kansas City.  The manager called the police and it resulted in Taylor spending 8 days in jail  

The 911 call emphatically backs up Taylor's story.

911 Dispatcher: Communications, this is Holly.
Hotel manager: Yeah, hi, Holly, this is Kim, the general manager over at Drury Inn & Suites. And I have somebody that is a little unusual that is checking into the hotel, and I didn’t know if there was any way to possibly run their name or information through the database. They’re dressed as a woman, but it’s a man’s driver’s license.
Dispatcher: Okay, I can send an officer, but I can’t do it over the phone. What’s your address there?
Hotel manager: It’s 5505 Mills Civic Parkway. I’d want it to be discreet though.
Dispatcher: Okay, well, um, I can’t do it on the phone, that’s the only thing. It’s against the law. So I can have someone come over. Where — are they in the lobby there, or?
Hotel manager: They went up to the room and stuff. So I guess if they just kind of discreetly park in the parking lot, instead of, you know, right out front, that would be great.
Dispatcher: Well, I’ll leave that up to them. But, what’s your number phone number, Kim?
Hotel manager: It’s (515) 457-9500.
Dispatcher: Okay, so that’s a female, with a male’s driver’s license.
Hotel manager: There’s two males, but they’re dressed as females. And they have Illinois driver’s license.
Dispatcher: And are they — what are their driver’s licenses? Male or female?
Hotel manager: Male. And I took pictures with my camera, so.
Dispatcher: Okay, so just because they’re dressed as — is it because they’re dressed as females, is that why you’re concerned?
Hotel manager: Um, It’s just, you know, it’s, I guess so. They’re dressed a little bit over the top, too. I just want to make sure they’re not hookers either.
Dispatcher: Okay, gotcha. Okay, ma’am, we’ll have them swing over there.
Hotel manager: Perfect. Thank you.
Dispatcher: Bye bye.
Hotel manager: Bye bye.

Here's hoping that justice is served in Meagan's case.

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