Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Clock's Ticking On The 2015 US Trans Survey

Trans Survey
If you haven't taken the 2015 US Trans Survey, are living in the US, and you are trans, non binary or genderqueer, you have until midnight September 21 to do so.

Over 6500 people nationally took the 2008-2009 survey, and the data it produced as compiled in the 2011 Injustice At Every Turn report not only painted a stark picture of the state of the trans community at that time, there were enough trans people of color who took it so that the data could be broken down by ethnicity and states.

I use it from time to time in my blog posts, and it has also helped trans advocates, advocacy organizations, our allies and people in academia push for policy changes and laws that have benefited all trans persons in the US.

So if you haven't done do, I'm encouraging you to do so before the deadline.  I'm also encouraging as many trans people of color as possible to also take the US Trans Survey so that we have more solid data about what ails our communities and frankly, so our voices are heard loud and clear when the compilation report for this survey comes out.

The survey is available in English and Spanish, so surf on over to US Trans Survey.org to complete it before the upcoming September 21 deadline.

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