Tuesday, October 28, 2014

AISD Meeting To Add Gender ID To Nondiscrimination Policy

The Houston, Dallas and Forth Worth ISD's have done this already, and now Austin will have an opportunity to do this at their board meeting tonight at7 PM.

Thanks to Paige Schilt, I was alerted to the fact that AISD is pondering adding gender identity to the nondiscrimination policy  .  While this should be a no brainer decision for Items 14.3 and 14.5, you can bet there will be some haters in the AISD house spreading lies to try to stop it, or delay the decision so they can gather the hate troops from out of town..

If you can do so and support AISD adding gender identity to their policy, now is your time to speak and be heard.   The board needs facts and your stories to base their vote on, not lies and disinformation.

The meeting was last night, and I'm trying to ascertain if AISD became the fourth district in the Lone Star State to protect its trans students and employees.

Hoping we had people from the AUSTEX area signing up to speak during Citizens Communication. The policy for Citizens Communication can be found at http://www.austinisd.org/board/meetings.

AISD is the fifth largest school district in the state, and it would send another powerful message to the rest of the ISD's waffling or ignoring this critical issue.

AISD headquarters is located on 1111 W. 6th Street, so if you feel that Austin should be on that short list of school districts that protect their trans students and employees, you may wish to help pack the room and ensure the right thing is done.

TransGriot Update:  The AISD board voted unanimously last night to make the fifth largest school district in the state the fourth one in Texas to add gender identity to their nondiscrimination policy for students and employees.   

Now we'll see if other Centex  ISD's follow their lead.

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