Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What I'd Like For Transitioning Trans WOC

Yesterday I got an opportunity to participate in a Twitter discussion on the topic of stopping anti-trans violence disproportionately aimed at trans women of color moderated by Kylar Broadus. 

It took place for an hour starting at 2 PM EDT, and if you wish to check out the Twitter chat thread, you can search the ‪#‎StopTransMurders‬ thread to read mine and the comments of others on that topic.   

When Katrina Goodlett pointed out she was about to reach her 35th birthday in two weeks, it was a sad reminder that is the average life expectancy for TWOC's because of anti-trans violence aimed at trans women of color, and it drove me to write this comment in response:

I would like for a transitioning TWOC to expect to live her life past her 35th birthday ‪#‎StopTransMurders‬

I didn't stop there.  I posted on my Facebook page I would like for that transitioning TWOC to have a roof over her head, a job at a living wage, food in her pantry, medical care and clothes in her closet.

And that resulted in the thinking that resulted in what else I'd like to see for transitioning trans women of color.

I'd like for a transitioning
TWOC to have caring, loyal and supportive family and friends enveloping her in love and support so she can concentrate on being the best person she can be.

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to have her life respected and protected.  

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to not have to deal with negative law enforcement attitudes that manifest themselves into when they see her walking down the street, she's a target for harassment, she gets stopped and frisked for Walking While Trans, or worse.

I'd like a transitioning TWOC to recognize she is part of a long line of fabulous women with a proud heritage, has sisters cis and trans, and she is not alone. 
I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to have pride in herself, know her history, and be proud of being a trans woman of color.

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to be able to get her name and identity document changes without drama or hassle from bureaucrats.

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to be able to love and marry the person of whatever gender that loves them, be they cis or trans without stigma. 

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to see the day that people who love them and desire them as life partners aren't ashamed of them.

I'd like for a transitioning TWOC to see the day that cis women recognize that trans women are women, and we are your allies and sisters in the struggle.

I like for a transitioning TWOC to see the day that the Transgender Day Of Remembrance becomes obsolete.  

But that is a long way from happening until the lives of trans women of color, and especially Black trans women matter not only to ourselves, but our own people.

But a sistah can dream can't she?   This is one dream I'd definitely like to make a reality.

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