Sunday, May 04, 2014

It's Moni's 52nd Birthday Today!

It's my birthday today! 

I find myself in Dallas on the last day of BTAC 2014 hopefully getting some beauty sleep at this moment.   I do tend to do much of my writing and hard sold thinking at night.  I sometimes find myself not going to bed until 3 or 4 AM in the morning. 

One of the things that has to change this year. 

I'm looking forward to what is going to be an interesting and unique experience in terms of getting to celebrate a birthday with my Black trans family.

I have been blessed to make it through another 365 day ride on this space rock to celebrate my special day.  What I do know for certain on this Cuatro De Mayo 2014, I'm a better person than I was at this time last year. 
But there's always room for improvement.   As for what I will wish for should a birthday cake materialize at some point before I head back down I-45 south, haven't settled on that yet.     

Besides, for that birthday wish to come true, I can't reveal it.

It was an interesting year, and I hope and pray the next 365 days have more blessings, fun, abundant love and wonderful times in store for me as the previous year did. 

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